What are those?rounded chocolate bars,300 grams,wrapped in the all-new packaging.Every flavor has its own colored band which identifies the content,visible also by the rounded quater of windows.Nothing was left to chance,from the packaging to,mostly,usage of the noblest raw materials like our Piedmont hazelnuts.Obviously,these are none flavors to choose from,besides the usual "Tonda al Cremino"
(from our catalogue from page 8)
H01 Schiacciata milk chocolate with hazelnuts
H02 Schiacciata dark chocolate with hazelnuts
H03 Schiacciata white chocolate with hazelnuts
H04 Schiacciata milk chocolate with mixed dried fruits
H05 Schiacciata dark chocolate with mixed dried fruits
H06 Schiacciata white chocolate with mixed dried fruits
H07 Schiacciata milk chocolate with mixed candied fruits
H08 Schiacciata dark chocolate with mixed candied fruits
H09 Schiacciata white chocolate with mixed candied fruits
H00 Tonda al cremino white chocolate and hazelnuts filled between dark chocolate fine veils
300 grams fro each